
Bella's 19th: part 8

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As I stood outside of Edward's room of one thing I was sure, I needed to see Jacob. I peeked in the room to see Edward sitting on his sofa, head in hands. I walked over and sat next to him. "I'm sorry." I started. "It's not like I was trying  to eavesdrop, but it involves my family now... both of them." I reached out to touch his shoulder but he rose from the sofa suddenly. "It's not you I'm mad at Bella. I'm mad at those...those dogs for hurting you like this." He turned to me and for the first time in a couple of days I noticed his eyes were almost black. My brain was already forming the plan for me, I just hoped my voice wouldn't give me away. Edward, I think you should go hunt. I'd prefer to have you prepared if you're going to fight Jake and his pack." I tried to keep my face composed, and I know he noticed. "Anyway, I don't like it when you're grumpy." It came out naturally and I laughed a little. He scowled at me for a long minute then joined in with my laughter. "I guess that would be a good idea. Do  you need anyone to watch you?" he asked. "No, I think i'll just take a nap, who knows, it might be my last one." I chuckled nervously and his face fell. "I'll be ok." I encouraged him. "I could use the rest and alone time." He rushed over and embraced me. "I'll make it short, I promise. Three hours at the most." he said with an urgency in his voice. He kissed me fiercely then he was gone. I figured I would take a short nap then I would call Jacob. I laid down on the sofa facing the back. I suddenly felt alone without Edward around and a little voice was telling me not to call Jacob. I shook it off. I needed to know why Jacob couldn't just leave me alone. I buried my face into the corner of the sofa and inhaled the scent of leather and Edward. It was like he was right here holding me. I drifted off into what I was positive was going to be my last sleep.

"Jacob,!" I shouted as I pushed up from underneath him. Being on my side and not having Edward to restrain me had it's consequences, I banged my head into the sofa. "Owww." I cried out as I rubbed my head. I wiped the sweat from my forehead as I tried to piece together my dream. I could only vividly remember certain aspects like Jacob, the woods and him pinning me to the ground. I figured I had slept long enough and it was time to call Jacob. I shook off the pain and started to sneak downstairs. "Are you ok Bella?" a voice called from the floor below. ' Oh god, think fast.' I thought to myself. "I'm fine Alice. Just another nightmare." I paused. "I'm just going to call my mother. I'm sure Charlie has told her and she's probably in hysterics. Then I was going to get some air on the porch." I felt the guilt settle in my chest. "Ok, don't be long outside though remember they're looking for you." Alice added. I dashed down the flights of stairs. I found a tiny silver cell phone on the dining room table, it was Edwards. I guessed he left it there after calling Carlisle earlier. I hesitated at first but then picked up the phone. As my fingers dialed the familiar number to the Black's house I prayed that Billy wouldn't pick up because then my plan would be useless. I was almost ready to hang up when I heard Jacobs familiar voice on the other end. "Hello." he asked, irritation in his voice. I couldn't believe how close Jacob sounded. I suddenly wished I had my best friend back. "Hello." Jacob said again with a sigh. "Jacob, wait." I whispered before he could hang up. "B...Bella?" his confused voice adjusted itself to a whisper also. "We need to talk." I hissed at him. "Yes, we do." he responded, his voice low and monotone. "Meet me in the woods by my house please." I was nearly begging him. He hesitated. "You'll be alone, right." he asked slowly. "Yes, this is between you and I, so you better be alone too." I tried not to raise my voice any higher than a whisper. "I'll see you soon Jacob." I said. I hung up after he confirmed he'd be alone. I walked swiftly, yet fluidly to the front door. As I stepped onto the porch I inhaled deeply, hoping I made the right choice to meet Jacob. I exhaled swiftly and I was off.  As I reveled in the rush of the breeze hitting my face and my feet gliding across the ground at incredible speed I suddenly felt thankful that I had this speed so soon or else it would have been hell getting to Charlie's unnoticed.

My running slowed to a slow paced sprint as I crossed the yard to the entrance of the small wooded area. I checked my watch. "Damn, a little over an hour left." I muttered, hoping Edward was still hunting. I made my way into the woods, pushing the branches out of the way. I was barely inside the clearing when I smelled something that made my stomach turn. I scrunched my nose as  I whipped my head around and there I saw him propped up against a tree. "Jacob!" I hissed, my voice sounded strangled as I tried not to breathe in his scent. Jacob started to run over to me. "Bella, are you..." his voice trailed off as he stopped abruptly . He stepped back cautiously, throwing his hand over his nose. "You let him BITE you!" his voice sounded appalled at the thought. "Yes, we made an arrangement. Technically I'm still human now, so let's talk." I was determined to get this over fast. "Jacob, why won't you just leave us be?" I spat out at him. "I thought that was obvious." he stated. "First off, he's no good for you, he'll only hurt you Bella. Second, I love you. I'm much safer than him!" Jacob shouted. That was it. My temper flared up, resurfacing. "Jacob Black!" I screamed, he stared at me in shock. "First, that's why I did this, so he would never have to hurt me again. You...safer. I'm about as safe with you as Emily was with Sam!" I could feel the tears flowing freely from my eyes. I could tell the image I gave him hurt him more than I meant it to.  I rubbed my eyes with my sleeve and made my way over to him. "Ok, that was uncalled for I know. How about a different topic." I thought lightly about what to ask. "How has Charlie been." I asked, trying to sound cheerful. Apparently it was the wrong thing to ask. "I'm sorry Bella, I honestly have nothing to do with what my father has been saying to Charlie." he said in a regretful tone. "What... is he saying." I asked slowly, my teeth gritting together tightly. Jacob raised his hands out in front of him as if to stop me. "Now Bella, I TRIED to stop him, I really did." his voice dropping, as well as his face at the last statement. "He's trying to convince Charlie of what you've become, and what Edward has done to you." his voice was barely a whisper now. My eyes were wide with shock, anger and resentment for what Billy had done. I turned my head slightly to the side and thought. "Well then, I'm taking Charlie home." I said, leaping off towards the yard. Before I knew it Jacob was behind me clutching my arm. "You can't Bella. You're not allowed on the reservation." he calmly told me. " I am currently still human, therefore I am getting my father. I tried to keep calm but there was a slight growl to my tone. I shook off Jacobs grasp but he seized my arm again in half a second, squeezing it tighter. He was trembling now. "I can't...disobey...Sam's orders. You are banned from the reservation. Alongside the rest of the Cullens." his voice was angry now. "Jacob bring me Charlie now or else I'll get him myself." My anger had me panting. Jacob stood before me, unmoving. "No Bella." his voice was stern. "Fine." I stated turning around. I sprinted for the familiar opening of my lawn, but barely made it three steps before I was airborne. I felt a searing pain as my body collided with a thick tree. My eyes narrowed as I focused on Jacob's figure hovering above me. I tried to get up but my arms were being held firmly in place on either sides of my head. "Jacob, let me go." I hissed at him. His gaze was firm, as well as his grip on me. "No Bella. Under no circumstances are you going to La Push ever again." Jacob said with authority. I started to thrash about under his weight. "I want my father back now Jacob!" I screamed at him. "If you set foot on my land we'll be forced to fight you, human or not. I don't want to have to kill you Bella." he said, his iron grip still strong. "I just want to see Charlie, please." I pleaded with him. "I'm sorry, you won't be able to see Charlie again, ever." He told me firmly. It felt as if my world stopped and time was standing still just for me. My face felt like it was being burnt off, only then did I realize I had been screaming at the top of my lungs. My thoughts were swimming through my mind, the only reason I hadn't realized I had been screaming I figured. I slowly began a rocking movement beneath Jacob and I muttered to myself as I sobbed. "I don't want to be alone. I want my father....I want Charlie. I want him now Jacob. NOW JACOB! Jacob, get off me NOW!" I screamed and with that last statement I threw him off me and into a neighboring tree. He quickly got up and fixated his eyes on me. I rose up slowly, brushing the leaves and debris off of my clothes and shot him a stone cold glare. As the moonlight filtered through the trees I watched his horrified eyes never leave my face. My eyes sparkled in the faint light and for a moment we held each others gaze - his confused yet horrified black eyes and my
angry yet thirsty red ones.
Ok, I lied. I had HOPED to have it up before dawn but I'm a little late. but least I finished it finally...and it's up now anyway I'm proud of the end of this chapter mostly because Bella's finally transformed completely. who knows what will happen next though...I don't even know...Well I have a small idea but...we'll see.

Read Bella's 19th -
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7

Twilight, New Moon, Bella Swan, Edward Cullen and the rest of the characters © Stephenie Meyer

Bella's 19th © Rie Murata(Formerly known as Saiko but still (Me))
© 2007 - 2024 ClawsOfInuyasha
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ThreeDaysGraceAndLuv's avatar
love your username Inuyasha was the first anime series i watched